vendredi 12 mai 2017

Hunting the Pedophiles Inside the National Crime Agency (NCA)

Ajoutée le 19 déc. 2015

This program follows the hunt for an abuser who duped and blackmailed hundreds of teenage boys to share indecent images of themselves online

(Ch4) UK

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#PedoGate Norway Exposes Horrifying Child Sex Trafficking Network

Ajoutée le 13 janv. 2017

First Published on Dec 23, 2016
Both the New York Times and the Washington Post have been caught deleting and wiping archives of an AP story about a massive international pedophile ring that provides evidence for the kind of child trafficking activities being researched by citizen journalists and investigators.

FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.

Link to archived story deleted by New York Times:


#OpPedoGate #OpPedoHunt #OpPizzaGate #OpDeathEaters #Anonymous

Internationale Kindermisbruik-netwerken II- De onthulling van het Zandvo...

Mise en ligne le 27 févr. 2012

Vervolg van deel I. Hier wordt getoond en besproken hoe Marcel Vervloesem van de NGO Werkgroep Morkhoven het Zandvoort-kindermisbruik schandaal onthult, waarbij kinderen verhandelt worden op de internationale markt voor kinderporno, tussen Oost-Europa, Duitsland, Engeland, Nederland, Zuid-Europa en de VS etc.
93.000 afzonderlijke slachtoffers werden op de porno-beelden herkend. De zaak werd in de doofpot gestopt. Een psychiater getuigt in deze docu onder andere van live beelden van kinderen die door pedocriminelen vermoord worden.
Marcel Vervloesem wordt al meer dan 12 jaar door Justitie en een media-hetze vervolgd om het onderzoek naar dit schandaal te saboteren.
Editing en vertaling: Eheu. Ondertiteling: JDTV


Ajoutée le 9 juil. 2015

Ritual Abuse Free

"RAPE OF CHILDREN: The End Of Silence?" is a documentary presented by Elise Lucet on France 3 on 27 March 2000. This report reveals the existence of an active pedo-Satanic network in France by unveiling lived through hell experiences suffered by several children who have been abused in very strange ceremonies which they recount and represent on drawings.

The report mentions allegations of pedophile rapes allegedly suffered by a brother and sister, named in the report under the pseudonyms Pierre (born 1989) and Marie (born 1986), who claim that their father and other adults have abused them several times during sectarian ceremonies. The report mentions the existence of a pedophile network that would benefit from the protections within the leadership of justice and of French policy (thesis developed in the report).

In this report and in the debate that followed, it comes to rape, ritual murder, severed heads, child graves (particularly in the Paris region in the words of prosecutor Bouillon), but it is also about the strange attitude of the justice department despite the many incriminating evidence against the father, including extracts of various eloquent conversations from telephone tapping, the justice department still forces these children to return to their father against their will despite their testimony and tears.

The testimonies of children are discredited because they are endowed with a particularly fertile imagination and fantasy while many psychiatrists and experts say that the children can not have invented what they say to have lived. By watching this video over the Internet, you will perceive through their testimonies, the intensity of their suffering, their fears when they explain in their own words what they have experienced. This kind of evidence do not allow to doubt the veracity of the facts.

At the end of the report follows a debate moderated by Elise Lucet. Among the guests: the Socialist MP and former Minister of Youth and Sports Frédérique Bredin, family therapist Martine Nisse, Commissioner in vehicle safety Jean-Yves Leguennec Martine Bouillon Georges Glatz, member of the Grand Council of the Canton of Vaud delegate CIDE2. The Zandvoort case is mentioned in this debate, it is said that part of the operation of the lucrative economy of these pedophile networks consists of snuff movies on DVD which feature raped and murdered children, these snuff movies are sold for the average price of 20,000 Swiss francs on the pedophile "black market", this is a very disturbing key element regarding this subject.

This sick abuse of children must be exposed and stopped once and for all.

I do not own anything in the video, including the audio and picture.
This video is made for non-profit reasons and the rights and credits belong to their respective copyright holders.

Fair Use Notice:
This video contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc.
We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.

Pedophiles Run the Government and No One Gives a Damn - BFP Roundtable

Ajoutée le 22 oct. 2015

Today on the BFP Roundtable James Corbett talks to Sibel Edmonds, Peter B. Collins and Wayne Madsen about the Hastert scandal and cover up, the history and context of this story, and the remarkable lack of public interest in the case.


Ajoutée le 22 avr. 2015

MORE Information On; People Involved, Charges, Details etc...


Ajoutée le 11 juil. 2015

Produced by Troisième Oeil Productions:

The File Of Shame was released Wednesday, May 26 of 2010, it exposes a pedophile network uncovered from a CD-ROM containing 8000 photos called the "Zandvoort File".

The "Zandvoort File" first came to light in 1998 when Belgian founder of child support group 'Werkgroep Morkhoven', Marcel Vervloesem, provided a mountain of evidence to Dutch police indicating the operation of a systematic network which dealt in the kidnapping, torture and sexual abuse of children, even infants. Included in this evidence were high-profile names and matching bank account details proving their involvement. Mr. Vervloesem's reward was to be framed for child rape and possession of child pornography. He is currently languishing in a Belgian prison, suffering from terminal cancer.

The CD-ROM was obtained from Gerrit Ulrich who was then murdered in Italy. Marcel Vervloesemh discovered an additional 20 CD-ROM's in Ulrich's appartment. The 21 CD-ROMS contained around 90 000 images of children being raped, babies being raped, child mistreatment, torture and even children put to death.

Who are these children? What is being done to find them?

Despite the recognition of more than 80 children including some victims of famous trials such as the "Disappeared of the Yonne" and also the actions of associations like Innocence in Danger, "Justice" still finds a place where the "Zandvoort File" is never mentioned. The Zandvoort file has long since been buried.

Why such a silence about pedophile networks?

On the occasion of the publication of this special issue of Karl Zéro Facts Prime, 13ème RUE supports the work of the organization Innocence in Danger which fights against pedo crime and helps victims of this horrible sick crime.

These pedophile networks are real and they exist all over the world, they have ties to very prominent people in society and this is why this information is being discredited and suppressed from the general public. These horrific crimes must investigated and exposed, they must be stopped for the sake of the poor innocent children that are being raped, tortured and even killed everyday.

I do not own anything in the video, including the audio and picture.
This video is made for non-profit reasons and the rights and credits belong to their respective copyright holders.

Fair Use Notice:
This video contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc.
We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.

Asselineau: avec les orientations fixées par l'UE, Macron prépare une régression sociale phénoménale

Asselineau: avec les orientations fixées par l'UE, Macron prépare une régression sociale phénoménale: Un déluge de propagande et un échec habituel du FN ont fait élire Emmanuel Macron. Cette élection donne un sentiment de malaise et annonce des problèmes à venir, estime François Asselineau.

jeudi 11 mai 2017

Пусть говорят - Наша Юля! Участница Евровидения-2017 Юлия Самойлова.

Scandale - Netanyahu insulte Clinton (caméra caché)

Ajoutée le 24 juil. 2013 - Une vidéo scandaleuse, montrant le Premier Ministre d'Israël, Benyamin Netanyahou, en visite dans la colonie d'Ofra en 2011, fait le tour des réseaux sociaux.

Pensant qu'il n'est pas filmé, Netanyahu insulte Bill Clinton et dit ce qu'il pense vraiment sur les Accords d'Oslo et comment il ne les a pas respectés, ce qui prouve qu'Israël a violé non seulement les résolutions de l'ONU mais aussi les accords d'Oslo. Les utilisateurs des réseaux sociaux sont choqués de voir ces révélations qui montrent le vrai visage d'Israël et son impunité dans le monde politique.

Après ce scandale, l'opinion publique sera probablement de plus en plus sceptique face aux beaux discours des politiciens.

mardi 9 mai 2017

Un Message de Mira du Haut Conseil des Pléiades

Ajoutée le 26 mars 2017
Le Blog de Lazare

Anonymous - Projet Anti-Pédophile - 50 000 Enfants Canadiens Tués

MDR !!! Macron Président : Pensez Printemps !

Impensable... Macron au 2ème tour ~ Risitas 2017

Faites entrer l'accusé - Marc Dutroux, Le démon Belge

Un CRS appelle à la révolution, pour la manifestation du 10 juin 2016

Full Show - Illuminati Mascot Macron Celebrates France’s Enslavement - 0...

��UN ILLUMINÉ À L'ÉLYSÉE !�� #illuminati #Macron